All posts by LostBoysAdmin

KingSize WordPress Sidebars & Widgets

This template comes with 2 widget ready sidebars and 1 widget ready footer. To include widgets, locate the area titled “Appearance” in your sidebar and select the “Widgets” from that menu selection.

Post / Blog Sidebar

Inside “Widgets” you will see a sidebar area titled “Main Blog Sidebar” and it is this sidebar that will appear throughout your website where specified. You just need to use the desired widgets of your choice, drag and drop into this area, then click save and you’re done.

Inside Theme Settings “KingSize WP” you can disable the sidebar for a full width blog post and archives if you wish not to use the sidebar.

Contact Sidebar Details

This widget area is designed for your Contact Page. When you assigned the Page Template “Contact“, its here this sidebar will be active. You can either use the custom widget we’ve included to insert your “additional contact details”, or add other widgets of your choice to this area by dragging and dropping them into this sidebar.

Footer Widget Ready

Here you’ll find 3 widget ready areas designed for your footer. Each specific to the footer, one is designed for the left, another for the center and lastly the right footer column. You can also disable this footer section via Theme Settings > “KingSize WP” at anytime.

Alike with the other widgets, you can drag and drop the desired widgets you wish to use.

KingSize Twitter Widget

To enable the KingSize Twitter widget in your sidebar, you need to go to “Appearance” > “Widgets” and locate the appropriate titled widget there. Now left click to drag and drop into the appropriate sidebar desired. Once selected, the widget will expand automatically asking you for some details to finalize the setup. You’ll be required to provide:

  1. Twitter Username (without @): So I would then enter “denoizzed” or “ourwebmedia” without the @.
  2. Widget Title: Is the name of this widget. So I would then enter “Recent Tweets” or similar.
  3. Set the # of Tweets to Display: By entering in the number “5” it will display the 5 most recent tweets.

Kingsize Gallery Widget

To enable the KingSize Gallery widget in your sidebar, you need to go to “Appearance” > “Widgets” and locate the appropriate titled widget there. Now left click to drag and drop into the appropriate sidebar desired. Once selected, the widget will expand automatically asking you for some details to finalize the setup. You’ll be required to provide:

  1. Title: This would be the name of the Widget you want when shown in the frontend sidebar.
  2. How many images: Is the number of images I want to display, so I would enter the number “3”.
  3. Order by: Option to order the images displayed either by “Random” or “Latest” added images.
  4. Image Link Type: Allows you to link to either the “Image”, “Article” or “Page” associated with that image.
  5. Image Hover Title: Also provides optional selection for where the image leads to.
  6. Show only 1 image per post: “Yes” will use only one image from each gallery, while “no” will select recents.

For further assistance, please visit

KingSize Version 3 Change Log


Assorted Fixes & Updates

  1. Resolved the “Blog Paginate” issues.
  2. Fixed the “Color Style” options by editing “theme-options.php” lines #773 through to #784.
  3. Updated “style.css” with a Background / Slider fix on lines #60 through to line #77.
  4. Updated “style.css” line #88 through to line #97, “.nojs img” for background fix.
  5. Updated the “/gallery-widget/” with two new files, “attachment.php” and “loop-attachment.php” (image link resolved).
  6. Slider is disabled by default. Previously it was auto-enabled and caused a few confusions.
  7. Fixed the “Read More” issue when hovering, removed the extra padding on line #833 in “style.css”.
  8. Updated the “Theme Options” to include the “Save Changes” with each section.
  9. Removed Timthumb from logo line #101 and centered the logo in “header.php”
  10. Removed the “Save Changes” from “Theme Options” located at the Top and Bottom of the page.
  11. Image Alignment Fix in “style.css” line #446 and line #473. Corrected the margin issues with images.
  12. Corrected the “template_blog.php” date to correct format of “Month, Day, Year” line #36.
  13. Corrected the “loop.php” date to correct format of “Month, Day, Year” line #33.
  14. Fixed the “template_blog.php” to show when “1 comment” has been made (error use to show 0 comments when there was 1).
  15. Fixed the “loop.php” to show when “1 comment” has been made (error use to show 0 comments when there was 1).
  16. Fixed the paging issue on Blog Template page when assigned to Home Page in “template_blog.php”.
  17. Fixed the default page custom background grid option in theme-background.php.

New Features we’ve Included

  1. New Theme Setting option for “Style / Colour Preferences” to edit the “Submenu” background and border colours.
  2. Updated “theme-options.php” to include a new “Save Changes” position. Now included in the header of each section.
  3. Updated the right click disabled feature.
  4. Added the Portfolio feature.
  5. Added lightbox (prettyphoto) on images Blog and post content.
  6. Added the theme option reset.
  7. Native WordPress gallery now uses the “lightbox” effect (prettyphoto).
  8. Featured Image when used on the blog now opens with the “lightbox” effect (prettyphoto).
  9. Video support is included in the new Portfolio post-types.

Using the KingSize WordPress Slider

To enable your Homepage Background Slider, make sure that inside the Theme Settings, you’ve already enabled this feature.

From this point, beneath the KingSize WP menu option you will see “Background Slider“, you’ll want to select this menu item…

Uploading Slider Images

When inside the “Background Slider” section, at the very top you will see the option to “Choose File” and when clicked will open a new window that allows you to select from your desktop (or anywhere within your computer) the images you want used within the slider. Now select the image and click “Open” once you’ve decided which image you want used. You can upload a maximum of 10 at a time.

Managing Slider Images

Now that you’ve uploaded those images, you probably want to organize them to display in the order you want. So from top to bottom, the rotation is in this order. You can easily drag and drop those images in the order you want at which point once dropped into place they are automatically saved in that order. You can re-order these images at anytime you wish, simply by repeating these steps.

Managing Slider Preferences

Now if you want to manage the direction, transition types, intrevals (in seconds) or to disable the background slider, you just need to head back to the “General Theme Settings” and scroll down till you see the section titled “Homepage Background Slider Preferences” and make the changes you desire to see made. Each option has beside it a helpful tooltip when mousing over the questionmark icon.

Disabling the Slider

To disable the slider just go into the General Theme Settings and uncheck the enabled slider box. You will want to make sure that the “Global Background Preferences” has an image uploaded and saved as this will become your static single background image on the homepage. With no image assigned here as your background, the homepage will by default show a black and unoccupted background.

For further assistance, please visit

Using the KingSize WordPress Portfolios

Inside your WordPress Dashboard, in the left-hand sidebar you will see the “Portfolio” menu option. Click this and you will have the option to view all “Portfolio” items, “Add New” portfolio items, and create “Portfolio Categories” that you can use to organize the different type of portfolios you wish to display on your site. This also enables you the ability to create multiple portfolios and assigning categories.

Adding in New Portfolio Items

It’s pretty simple and we’ll show you here how simple it is…

  1. Click “Add New” portfolio item.
  2. Type in the title of your portfolio item where it says “Enter title here“. For example, you could create a “Photography” portfolio.
  3. Use the “Content Editor” to insert the portfolio item details.
  4. Beneath here you will find the corresponding “write-panel” options for your portfolio item.
  5. The first option is to “Upload an Image“, this is if you want a single portfolio image instead of a video.

    Click “browse“, upload your image and click “insert” or copy and paste URL. Clicking insert automatically adds the URL.

    You’ll need to include the “Image Thumbnail“, click browse > upload > insert image. This is your portfolio thumbnail image.

    Next you can paste the URL of your YouTube or Vimeo videos.

    You can also insert the “Embedded Code” for your video’s.
  7. Next you’ll have the option to insert the “Excerpt” that is displayed on the Portfolio page. This is the brief information shown beneath the thumbnails in the Portfolio main page.

That’s all you do to add your portfolio items. It’s that simple and fast.

Creating a Portfolio Page

So now you’ve successfully added a Portfolio item(s), you’ll now want to know how to display those items. To do this, you need to create a new page using the page template “Portfolio” and once you create a Portfolio Page, you just simply assign which category for your Portfolios you want displayed and the rest is done automatically.

  1. Go to “Pages” in your sidebar and click “Add New“.
  2. Title the portfolio page accordingly, ie., “Music Videos” or “Photography“. Yes, you can create multiple portfolios by creating new pages.
  3. In the right sidebar of this page, look for “Page Attributes” and select from the dropdown “Portfolio“. This will assign that page the Portfolio template you’ll be using.
  4. Scroll down till you see the “write-panel” and you’ll need to setup a few options:

    Select a Portfolio Category: This uses the Categories you created for your Portfolio.

    If you created a category called “Photography” and you want this specific page to display all your photography images, than you would select that associated category to be used.

    Portfolio Page Layouts: Although looks best with TWO and THREE column layouts, we have also made available the other layouts which are also used by the galleries for your interest.
  5. Lastly, you still have the option to assign a custom background image for this specific page. So get creative!

If you want text to show above your portfolios, when creating this page, just add the text to the contents box / editor and that text will display above the portfolios as shown in the demonstration.

Once you have created this page, you’ll want to link it to your menu / navigation. To do this, go to “Appearance” > “Menus” and add the new page you just created to your navigation. Add a brief description if desired, click save and once done you should be able to see the new item in your menu.

For further assistance, please visit